Arch Davis Design offers wooden boat
plans, boat kits, DVDs, epoxy resin, sails and rigging, masts and
spars, marine plywood, and more for the backyard boatbuilder,
for sailboats, powerboats and rowboats.
Penobscot 13 Available
If you would like to own one of these lovely little boats, but don't have the
time or ability to build one yourself, you can order a finished boat. The base
price for a rowing version is $6,175.00, with a choice of sailing rigs available
as optional extras. You can also order a bare hull to finish yourself. Give me a
call at 207 930 9873, or send me an e-mail at

I’m Arch
Davis – I learned boatbuilding and design in New Zealand in
the 1970s. I have been helping people to build beautiful wooden
boats since 1988. You can see a few of them by clicking on Picture
Gallery. My approach to design is to put into your hands
the means to use modern materials – marine plywood and epoxy
resin – to build a truly lovely boat with classic lines.
I believe that a boat
should be beautiful, not just by virtue of her lines, but also in
her construction. No material makes this possible like wood. My
aim is to take advantage of wood’s unique strengths, in a
structure that captivates the eye. I want you to feel that you are
always doing good work in building one of these boats.
You’ll see that I have
a small collection of designs. That is because I understand your
need for clear, comprehensible, detailed plans and instructions.
I put a lot of time into my drawings, building manuals and DVDs.
I also spend a lot of time helping people through their projects,
on the phone or by e-mail. I really am here to help!
You won’t see promises here that building a boat is quick
and easy. What I do promise is that building one of my boats will
be an extremely rewarding and satisfying experience, and that you
will be enormously proud of the finished result. Can you build one
of these boats? Certainly – some of them, the Sand Dollar,
or Laughing Gull, for example, are entry-level designs. Others –
the Penobscot 14 or Penobscot 17, or one of the bigger boats – are more
challenging. Many have been built by people with no prior woodworking
experience at all. Others have found stitch and glue a little unsatisfying,
and want to try their hand at something that makes better use of
their woodworking skills. All my plans include clear, detailed building
manuals, and my personal back up, when you need it. Just don’t
build one of my boats unless you are willing to show her off, wherever
you take her!
If you see something that
you like in my collection, please feel free to contact me with any
questions. I am available on the phone at 207-930-9873, or email
me at
I believe that one of life’s great moments
is landing on an island in a boat of one’s own building. I
hope you will share the experience!
Wooden Boat Plans and Boat Kits by Arch Davis
- Grace's Tender - More than just a tender, this little dinghy
is a fine vessel in her own right. She is a pleasure to row,
and sprightly under her simple sailing rig - a great boat
for youngsters to mess about in.
- Bay Pilot 18 - an 18 ft pilothouse cruiser for outboard power.
- Laughing Gull - 16 ft self-bailing sailing/rowing skiff.
- Ace 14 - 14 ft performance daysailer
- Penobscot 13 - 13 ft
little sister to Penobscot 14.
- Penobscot 14 - 14 ft glued lapstrake sailing/rowing skiff.
- Penobscot 17 - big sister to the Penobscot 14
- Sand Dollar - 11 ft sailing/rowing skiff.
- Jack Tar - 26 ft plywood lobster boat design
- Jiffy 9-7 - suitable for rowing or a small outboard motor
- Jiffy 22 - outboard powered cabin skiff
- Jiffv V-22 - vee-bottom sister of the Jiffy 22
About My Boat Kits
I have kits for a number of my designs, ranging from frame kits for the Sand Dollar, Penobscot 14 and Penobscot 17, to a complete kit
for the Grace's Tender. The pre-cut kit for the Laughing Gull provides
all the plywood parts and hull framing, cut to shape. I also have
epoxy kits and plywood packages for all my designs, plus sails,
rigging, and numerous other items. Here's my daughter, Grace, setting
up the frames for a Grace's Tender kit.
